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Lobbying and campaigning

We support and give young people a voice to influence matters that are important to them. See what we are campaigning on, how to get involved and the impact that we have already had on young people’s sexual health and wellbeing.

Select on the campaign you’re interested in to see ways to get involved. We also have a monthly young person led campaign, ’Have Your Say’ which you can also get involved in.


Recent events

See what events we’ve represented young people at recently:

APPG on Youth Affairs

The meeting was attended by young people, decision makers and other stakeholders to explore a number of topics around what they can do to raise awareness of sexual harassment and what can be done to tackle sexual harassment in schools.

Department for Education call for evidence

Young people met to have a deeper discussion to support the work Brook has already done around what quality relationships and sex education should look like when it becomes compulsory. This was passed on directly to the DfE.



Public Health England takeover Day

PHE invited young people to their meetings give them the opportunity to learn first-hand about what the organisation does while contributing their own ideas on the projects, products and priorities of the organisation.